Friday, December 13, 2013

Spaceships, Bugs and Christmas (next post 1/10)

How big is infinity?  Put numbers on a page from now until the end of your life and the number you've written down doesn't begin to approach the infinite.  Infinity, almost by definition, is unfathomable.  If you buy the notion that the universe is the work of an infinitely powerful Creator, it follows that our ability to comprehend the world around us is basically equal to zero compared to that of our Creator.

Imagine a bug inside a spaceship.  The bug crawls around, doing whatever bugs do.  It has no ability to grasp the impressiveness of its surroundings.  It doesn't understand the brilliance of the technology that went into creating a vehicle that can travel through outer space.  Now multiply the cluelessness of that bug many times over and you begin to get a sense of how little we really understand about the universe we live in.

The analogy isn't a perfect one, so if you don't like it that's OK.  But our limited, finite ability to understand the universe is very real.  That doesn't mean we shouldn't grow, mature, learn and seek to understand things.  Of course we should.  But we do well to occasionally ponder infinity and reflect on how amazing it is that our infinite Creator became one of us, lived a perfect life, died a brutal death, and came back to life in order to purchase a place for us in His family.  That's the miracle of Christmas.

In my next post I'll get back to dealing with sports and coaching.  Count on it.  But for now, have a very Merry Christmas.

80's Lyric

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