Friday, August 24, 2012

Time to Get Together (next post 9/7)

Every couple weeks I try to come up with something topical or personal that (at least in theory) can be read with interest by people anywhere in the country.  Not this time.  This post covers business close to home, in the Kansas City area.  Although, if you live somewhere else and like what we're doing here, maybe you'll be inspired.  Who knows?

Here's what I do know.  In the first three weeks of September, there will be 14 groups of coaches (all levels, all different sports) who will begin having weekly meeting at various locations around the KC Metro area.  Most of these groups will meet at high schools, and coaches at those schools are strongly encouraged to participate.  Additionally, most of these groups are being set up to welcome anyone who coaches sports or is involved with leading young people.  Middle school and youth sports coaches in particular would be great additions at these gatherings.

We're keeping it simple and calling these 'Coaching Life Groups', and they're just what they sound like; a place for coaches to come together to talk about coaching and life.  The basic idea is this: coaching is demanding.  The life of a coach can be a very lonely place.  Coaches are insanely influential in people's lives and the fabric of any community, and it just makes sense to create environments where they can be brought together to learn, be challenged, and encourage one other.

It's great to read a great book on your own.  But it's much more likely to impact lives and affect what people do when they have a chance to read and discuss something among a group of people who get to know and care about them, their family and their team.  These groups will be reading and talking through InSideOut Coaching by Joe Ehrmann, easily one of the best books in existence about coaching young people and transforming lives through sports.  The process of reading and discussing this book is absolutely going to change a whole lot of lives.  You can find the book on Amazon or at the public library if you want to come prepared.

So that's what we're doing in KC in the 2012-13 year.  Below is the list of open groups, with their locations and meetings times.  There are a few groups that have yet to finalize their schedule, so email me at if you would like to be kept in the loop on one of those options.

In alphabetical order:
Blue Valley High School:  Thursday mornings from 6:15-7:15 beginning on 9/13   Room 217
Blue Valley North:  Wednesday mornings from 6:50-7:30 beginning on 9/12   Office conference room
Blue Valley Northwest:  Wednesday mornings from 6:00-7:00 beginning on 9/12  Room 908
Blue Valley West:  Wednesday mornings from 6:30-7:15 beginning on 9/12 Coaches Conference room (near the gym)
Lee's Summit North:   Thursday mornings from 6:30-7:15 beginning on 9/13    Room 2157
Lee's Summit West:   alternating Thursday mornings from 6:15-7:15 beginning on 9/6  Room 1106
Olathe East:   Friday mornings from 6:30-7:25 beginning on 9/7  Room 812
Olathe Northwest:  Thursday mornings from 6:30-7:20 beginning on 9/13  Room 1223
Pembroke Hill:  To be determined
Shawnee Mission South:  Tuesday mornings from 6:30-7:30 beginning on 9/4  Room 000

It's going to be an amazing year.  Come be a part of this thing.

80's Lyric

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