Friday, May 11, 2012

Listening -- Part 2 (next post 5/25)

Last time we talked about the value of coaches talking with their players, and listening to them in an effort to build rapport and a relationship.  Today we're looking at listening from another angle.  Some people may be skeptical or find this amusing.  Some will already know exactly what I'm talking about.  My prayer is that many will read with an open mind.

God speaks to me.  Not all the time.  Not audibly.  But there are times that I will ask a question, sit quietly, ask for an answer, and then hear from Him.  It sounds weird and it's hard to explain.  Five or six years ago I would have had my doubts about anyone who said something similar.  That's crazy talk, right?

I'm no spiritual giant, and I'm nowhere near having much of anything all figured out.  I just know I've experienced His voice in my heart.  Not that I want to use God like a Magic 8 Ball, asking questions like, "do you think I should wear the blue shirt or the white one?"  (Although I'm not saying that God only cares about the 'big stuff' in our lives.  He cares about it all.)  But more commonly, I'll ask questions like, "what do you want to say to me today?" and then I'll just shut up and listen.  Sometimes I don't hear much back.  Sometimes I'll be told that I'm a dearly loved child or that He's proud of me...stuff like that.  No matter what happens in those moments, it's always a blessing to sit quietly before the Lord, with a heart positioned to hear from the All-Powerful, Perfectly Loving Creator of the Universe.

A quick word of warning, because I know some may say, "dude how can you know that's God's voice, not just your own thoughts?"  That's a fair question, and one I've wrestled with myself.  And while I don't have a perfect answer, and it's obvious that any claim to hear from God requires some bit of faith, there are some ideas to bear in mind.  First, God won't contradict His Word or His character.  If 'the voice' tells me to rob a store, that's not from Him.  If  'the voice' tells me I'm no good or unlovable, that's not from Him either.

There are a slew of books on the subject written by authors I trust, maybe none more Dallas Willard.  His book called Hearing God is worth checking out if you are curious.

Finally, you might remember the story of a young boy named Samuel, who once said to God, "speak, for your servant is listening."  (1 Samuel 3 has the story).  Why not give it a try?  What do you have to lose?

80's Lyric

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