Friday, January 20, 2012

Trust (next post 2/3)

Trust. It's a big deal in life. In many ways our society is built upon trust. I have to trust the other drivers on the road. I have to trust the person who prepares my food. I have to trust the teachers who work with my children.

On our teams, trust is no less important. As an athlete, I have to trust my teammate to do his job. I have to trust the officials to be competent. And I have to trust my coach to care about what happens to me and my teammates.

A certain level of trust is typically given to people in positions of authority, including coaches. That base level can be increased gradually over time, as we show ourselves capable of leading others well, and faithful to the pursuit of their well-being. Trust can obviously evaporate in an instant when it is violated in a serious way. And it's difficult and painful to earn it back. Sometimes it's impossible.

Teams and programs with high levels of trust among the parties involved will always outperform over the long haul. What are you doing as a Coach to develop a culture of trust on your team? How do your athletes know they can trust you?

80's Lyric

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