Friday, December 2, 2011

If You Aim at Nothing... (next post 12/16)

I hate it when people tell me "You have to see this movie!" or "You have got to start watching this tv show", or "You absolutely must read this book". I guess I have a rebellious side that doesn't care for being told what to do.

And yet, if you care at all about being a Coach who is intentional about making a difference in people's lives, you absolutely must read InsSideOut Coaching by Joe Ehrmann. You might know of Coach Ehrmann, his story and his work. If you don't, you can learn more here. I won't try to summarize this book in a couple of quotes or other snippets, but there is a theme that runs throughout the book that helps drive the points that Joe makes. As you might guess by the title, his book encourages Coaches to look within and understand their own personal stories in an effort to answer four primary questions:

1. Why do I coach?
2. Why do I coach the way I do?
3. What does it feel like to be coached by me?
4. How do I define success?

As a young coach, I did a lot of things right. I worked with great coaches who were mentors to me, who very well may have answered those questions for themselves. But I can tell you I never stopped to answer those questions for myself. I wish I would have. Having that type of focus and self-awareness, and the ability to intentionally direct my coaching efforts on the resulting trajectory is incredibly valuable. Too often I have lived my life like the coach in the picture above. Trying to lead and direct others while unable to see people's real needs, both theirs and my own, and hoping for the best.

I found InSideOut Coaching at the public library. I also found it on Amazon. So check it out. Ask for it for Christmas. Borrow one from a friend. Just read it.

And if you are anywhere Kansas City or NW Missouri, plan to come and hear Joe Ehrmann speak on Saturday, January 21st in St. Joseph, MO. More information on that free event is here. I will be there and hope you are too.

80's Lyric

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