Friday, July 29, 2011

Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Amazing Things Among You (next post 8/12)

It's been a long summer. And while it's not quite over yet, we are very near the beginning of a new school year. My family spent a good part of this week registering children for classes, shopping for supplies, loading up backpacks, and otherwise gearing up for the 2011-12 version of school time at our house.

For Coaches all over the country it's also time to gear up. Time to prepare for a year that has all the potential to be eternally significant for every one of us. Time to expect God to do great things this year.

Back in Old Testament times, after the nation of Israel was delivered from slavery in Egypt, as a result of their unpreparedness to receive God's blessing of the Promised Land, they were required to spend 40 years wandering the desert. In that time they were being pruned and prepared as a Nation. God knew that the people who entered this Promised Land were going to have to trust Him 100% if they were to successfully conquer the land. They were also going to need to trust Him 100% if they were to be the light to other nations that He desired them to be. Their time in the desert was not a vindictive punishment from God, but rather a time when He disciplined them to accomplish a greater purpose in the long-run.

At the end of their 40-year journey, just before they were to move in and possess the land, Moses' successor Joshua provided this word of encouragement to the people:

"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." (Joshua 3:5)

The word consecrate is often translated "sanctify", "dedicate" or "prepare", and carries the idea of setting apart or preparing for divine service. Joshua wants these people to understand that they have a role in the amazing things the Lord is about to do. Their role is to be ready. Their role is to acknowledge His position as God and King. Their role is to nestle themselves as close to Him as possible.

This summer may feel like it's dragged on for 40 years, but it's been just a couple months so far. Regardless of what the past two months have held for you, I can guarantee you that as a Coach, the Lord desires to do amazing things in you and through you this year. I hope you will join me in consecrating ourselves to Him, as we wait expectantly for Him to accomplish His purpose in the coming months.

80's Lyric

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