Friday, June 20, 2014

Keep On (next post 7/4)

Out of all the important character qualities that can be learned from sports, right near the top of the list is perseverance.  Life can be brutal in many different ways, and learning to push back and refuse to give in when it feels impossible is an invaluable real-life skill that can be developed incredibly well in the athletic arena.  When the workout has taken everything you feel like you can give, can you give a little more?  When the clock is ticking down and the game feels out of reach, can you keep giving your absolute best?  When you suffer a season-ending injury, can you do the rehab it takes to get ready for next year?

I don't know what you are up against today in your life, but chances are you are facing something difficult or some type of challenge.  Whatever it is, press on.  Don't give up.  Ever.  Because chances are the people you love and lead are facing things that are difficult as well.  Modeling perseverance in the midst of adversity might just be the most important example you ever provide to the people on your staff, your team or in your family.

When you feel like quitting, don't.

And if you need any additional inspiration, watch this.

80's Lyric

No one can take away your right
To fight and to never surrender

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