Friday, May 29, 2009

What are you doing this summer? (next post on 6/12)

As a Coach there are probably things you have planned for your athletes during the summer to make them stronger, tougher, better teammates, and more. The summer is a perfect time for good athletes to become great athletes. For good teams to become great teams. It's also a perfect time for a great Coach (like you) to become an even better Coach.

As a Coach in the KC area, in mid-July you have an opportunity to spend three days becoming better at what you do. As we have discussed time and time again in this blog, as a Coach, you have been given an incredible opportunity to live your life in such a way that over the course of a career, hundreds, or even thousands of people will be impacted personally by YOU. That is a tremendous calling, and one that you were not intended to live up to on your own.

So...from July 16-18, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Coaches Ministry Team will be hosting its inaugural Biblical Coaching Academy. For three afternoons (12-4:00 including lunch), coaches (all levels from youth sports-college) from the entire Metro Area will gather at Mid America Nazarene University in Olathe for a time of teaching, learning, sharing and growing in the knowledge of what it means to be a Christian Coach, and how that looks for you as an individual. The weekend will culminate with each coach having a chance to compose a personalized Biblical Coaching Action Plan. You will also be able to establish a connection with other Coaches and the FCA Coaches Team, people who will provide you with encouragement and support for years to come. Lunches for coaches and their families, along with a children's program for ages 4-10 will be provided at no cost if you are registered by 7/1.

You can contact Ryan Krzykowski, FCA's Coaches Director at 913-956-1350 or with questions. Or visit to learn more.

80's Lyric
When I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Yeah-I'd always want to be there
Those were the best days of my life

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