Friday, November 18, 2011

Selfish (next post 12/2)

I'll spare you the gory details, but in 2000, as a 24-year old third year assistant high school coach, all the players on our varsity team were going to be let out of school early for a special team-building activity on a gameday. The only problem was that there were 25 or 30 JV players who were going to be left behind and a coach was needed to stay back with those kids. I was a natural choice to remain on campus but at the time I couldn't bear the thought of being the only one to miss all the fun, so another coach ended up being the one to stay. That episode earned me the nickname "Selfish". The nickname was created mostly in a tongue in cheek way (I think), and I didn't think too much of it at the time. Certainly I wasn't all that selfish. Or so I thought. In hindsight, it was actually pretty accurate. I am selfish. And lately for some reason I've become increasingly aware of just how selfish I can be.

Unlike that episode of 11 years ago, it's not any one thing lately that's brought me to this point of heightened awareness. More likely it's simply part of a maturation process, as I've realized more and more how many of my attitudes, thoughts and actions are created with nothing more than my own interests in mind. I am selfish. My former coaching colleague was right.

I'm selfish to the point that in an effort to combat this selfishness, I've begun asking myself this question repeatedly throughout each day: "Is my life about me, or is it about something greater?" Now, I don't know very many people who would readily admit they live for nothing other than themselves. It takes a unique type of arrogance to make that claim. But in some strange way, those who embrace their selfishness have much more integrity than I do. I try to hide my selfishness in all kinds of ways. When I do something for others, am I looking to receive credit? When I receive a compliment, does it encourage me appropriately or does pride swell in my heart? When faced with any decision, is my default to lean toward whatever provides me with comfort, security or pleasure? It's a tricky balance sometimes, because we have to look out for ourselves in the right ways in order to be what we're supposed to be for others. But even that idea proves my point. Am I taking good care of myself so that I can be useful and effective in my calling, or am I simply looking out for me?

Coaches are always looking for unselfish players or "team guys". If I really believe that I can't lead someone to a place if I don't know the way, then I must intentionally seek to remove selfishness from my heart. I can't preach and teach unselfishness to my players or my family with any level of integrity if I'm not taking definite steps to address it in my own life. The bad news is that my heart will always bend in that direction so this effort requires constant attention. The good news is that God is full of grace and mercy and is patiently working on me to make me more like His Son.

80's Lyric

Friday, November 4, 2011

Genius or Dummy? (next post 11/18)

Clearly not all coaches are equally proficient. As with any other profession, some are better than others. The 10th best tennis player in the world is not as good as the 4th best, and so on. You get the idea.

On the other hand, here's something I just don't buy. Last Monday night I watched the Chiefs beat San Diego 23-20 in overtime. It was an incredible game, filled with tension and exciting moments. If you care at all about the NFL, you've probably seen at least the highlight of what happened at the end of regulation. In position to kick the game winning field goal, the Chargers fumbled a snap which the Chiefs recovered. That one play gave the Chiefs a chance to win a game that was just about lost at that point. Victory from the jaws of defeat.

We get all that. We know it's a game of inches, the margin for error is incredibly small, and one play can change not only a game but a season or a career. Here's the part that I find especially interesting. The talk all over town is how Chiefs Coach Todd Haley has done a miraculous job with this team over the past month. His 0-3 team in now tied for first place with a 4-3 record. People have gone from thinking the Chiefs might be winless, to starting to talk about making a run at the playoffs. And Coach Haley has gone from having people wondering about his job security to now having those same people championing his cause for a contract extension. I completely agree that Coach Haley and his staff have done an amazing job. Keeping things together and keeping the players on board as bad as this season began is remarkable. Great job. And yet, I also realize that if one opponent's snap is properly executed, most likely this team is 3-4 and no one is talking playoffs or contract extensions.

We see it all the time. The winning coach is brilliant, and the losing coach is a dummy. Even if the outcome of the game was decided by a kick that just missed, or a foul shot that rimmed out, or a fan reaching out of the stands to grab a baseball, or a snap being fumbled. Sorry, but I don't buy that. Was Bobby Bowden a fool in 1991 and 1992 (wide right 1 and 2), who became a genius when he coached an unbeaten national champion years later? No.

As a coach I have to own the part of the game that I can control, which is considerable, but also be willing to admit that some of it is out of my hands. And to base part of my opinion of myself and the job I'm doing on external factors that I cannot control is a recipe for misery.

I live in the real world and I realize that coaches usually get hired and fired based and wins and losses. I also know that focusing on the outcome and result, rather than on creating and executing a championship caliber process has burned out many an outstanding coach. Don't let it be you.

80's Lyric (translated)